The Young Changemakers programme is a training course designed to build the capacity of young people to understand the real needs of their community, to properly and strategically design a sustainable community-based project, to implement their projects and to budget. Through this project, participants will develop skills and be empowered to become active citizens and change agents on contemporary issues in a creative way. During the learning phase and after the programme, participants will be actively involved in the social and cultural life of their community and in the decision-making process.

The direct beneficiaries of the project are:

  • 40 young people: as one of the elements of the project is peer-to-peer education, we intend to have two groups. In each of the groups will be 20 participants of the same age group – 13-15 and 16-22 years old young people.

The impact of the project on these 2 groups of beneficiaries is: 

  1. Development of the set of competences, initial for the changemaker. The set of the competences will involve: intercultural learning, effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills, project management, organization, negotiation, team management,, risk management and problem-solving skills, formulating SMART goals and doing SWOT analysis, effective time management: applying a timeline to integrate the project implementation on all-day life, communication and promotion: learning methods of informing the public and stakeholders about their initiative, financial management and reporting.
  2. Development of the very concrete non-verbal artistic skills related to drama and music that will be helpful not only in youth work, but useful in general, as non-verbal communication in general and artistic expression and visualization (video, photo) in particular are very powerful means of communication. They will develop imagination and creativity, will learn how to start the creativity process, will learn what kind of environment they need and who can support them. Also, they will have a minimum creative tool-box, which they can serve by building a non-violent communication process and prevention of radicalization among youth in the multicultural groups as well as for social inclusion.

The project “Young Changemakers” is organised by FSL with the support of the Service national de la jeunesse – Go programme.

Financed by
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