The training course, “Be Well,” launched on July 7, 2023, in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

The aim of the project “Be Well: Rethinking Well-being in Youth Work” is to equipping youth workers and other professionals who work with young people with the competencies and methodologies/practical
tools for promoting the mental health and wellbeing of young people.

The objectives of the project are:

To support the professional development of youth workers/leaders by broadening their critical understanding of the importance of mental health and well-being of youth.

To empower youth workers and organizations with the competencies, skills, and practical tools in the field of well- being.

To raise youth awareness and transform attitudes toward challenges connected with mental health issues in Luxembourg and Partner/Program countries.

To create a guide with recommendations and practical tools which can be used in non-formal education and general work with youth.

On the first day, we introduced the project and Luxembourg as the hosting country. We played fun games to get to know each other and ended the day with a nice walk.

The next day, we talked about the mental issues and challenges in the participants’ countries. We also discussed stress, PTSD, and anxiety. After that, we had free time to explore the local area.

On the fourth day, we learned about the job market and opportunities for youth employment. Participants presented on these topics and talked about important skills like networking and soft skills. We also explored how art can help us understand ourselves and our careers.

The fifth day was all about the Erasmus+ program and how it can benefit us. We discussed different skills we can learn and use throughout our lives.

The project “Be Well” is organized by the Formation et Sensibilisation Luxembourg and financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, Luxembourgish National Agency – Anefore.

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