The Erasmus+ KA1 Youth Exchange program “ToGether” took place in Yerevan, Armenia, from July 22 to July 30, 2023, with participants from five countries. This exchange aimed to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable young people to understand, appreciate, and engage with different cultures. Moreover, the project was striving is to foster non-violent communication in the educational process, preventing radicalization of young people through non-formal education.

Objectives of the YE ToGether were:

– To explore different tools and methods that can serve to build a non-violent communication process and prevention of radicalization among youth in the multicultural groups;

– To explore what non-violent communication is, its features and ways to ensure it in different youth work settings;
– To self-explore feelings and emotions and learn about the ways to express them clearly
– To share positive and negative practices among participants; 

– To present community involvement as an efficient anti-radicalization tool;
– To help young people to break down stereotypes and prejudices and to promote social cohesion and inclusion;

The program began with getting to know each other facilitating initial connections among participants. Team building activities further emphasized the importance of collaboration and cooperation during the upcoming week.
The topic of cultural diversity was explored through visits to the Cultural Anthropological Museum and discussions at the World Café activity on Cultures, fostering a deeper appreciation for global perspectives.
Emotional intelligence was addressed in “Expressing Emotions and Feelings Effectively.” The “Role-Play – Non-violent Communication” session enhanced interpersonal skills, a crucial aspect of effective communication.

“This was my first time taking part in an exchange program, and I can say for sure that it won’t be my last. I met some amazing people who have become like family to me. I learned that it’s not just about where you are, but it’s the people you’re with that truly matter. Even though we spent a lot of time on the same balcony each night, I created so many unforgettable memories that will stay in my heart forever. This program has inspired me and helped me figure out what I want to do in the future and who I want to become. I’m very thankful to the organization for giving us this incredible opportunity.”

Anna-Maria Bejan

The program’s closure was marked by a meaningful “Youthpass ceremony” and a group photo, symbolizing the lasting impact of this exchange. “ToGether” was a valuable experience, promoting unity, empathy, and personal development among its participants.

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