In this exciting video, we delve into the world of creative and narrative techniques for online training programs. We explore how these techniques can enhance the learning experience by making it engaging, memorable, and easy to follow. By incorporating storytelling and storyboarding, we can transform complex information into relatable narratives, while mind-mapping and brainstorming techniques stimulate idea generation and problem-solving.

We also introduce the intriguing concept of brain shifting, where participants step into different characters’ shoes to unlock new perspectives and innovative ideas. Join us as we showcase examples from the Youcreate Manual for Trainers, the Greative course, and the EduCreateBag, and discover how these techniques can connect learners with the content, foster cooperation, and bring about remarkable outcomes.

YOUCREATE is a KA2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, through the Luxembourgish National Agency Anefore. It aims to empower young people from diverse cultural and national backgrounds and youth workers to contribute to more sustainable policies and practices to take the lead and utilize creativity to actively participate in reshaping our society towards a more sustainable future.

Categories: KA2NewsYouth


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