The Tandem training aims to pair people with different creative skills coming from different cultural backgrounds. Usually, it’s difficult to predict how people can behave during work while working under the pressure, therefore it’s important for the participants of the training to get a better idea of intercultural skills.
Intercultural skills can help to understand other people and communicate effectively. Those skills refer to the ability to comprehend and adapt to different cultural situations and perspectives. Intercultural skills can allow you to understand your coworkers/co-trainees better while enhancing your social awareness.

The tandem learning is about the process in which two people (can be peers) are teaching something to each other while deepening their knowledge in the field too.
It is a non-formal learning process that gives empowerment, confidence and independence to young people whatever their background. In this guide you can find more information about Tandem training, it’s structure and learning approaches.


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