The e-booklet is prepared as part of the KA2 Erasmus+ project #WeCoLead – YoungWomen’s Leadership for Collaborative Sustainable Communities, project number:KA220-YOU-64CD14A2. The project’s partnership includes by SwIdeas (Sweden,coordinator), COMM’ON (Greece), CESIE (Italy), Formation et Sensibilisation deLuxembourg (Luxembourg), SZUBJEKTIV ERTEKEK ALAPITVANY (Hungary). The purpose of the e-booklet is to provide young Read more…

#WeCoLead toolkit

Within the frames of KA2 Erasmus+ project #WeCoLead – Young Women’s Leadership for Collaborative Sustainable Communities, (KA220-YOU-64CD14A2) , the project partners designed the toolkit with a clear mission to empower and uplift young women by equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to thrive in today’s world. Read more…

MIL is a Crisis Toolkit

Attention to all youth workers and educators! Are you enthusiastic about helping young people understand today’s media world? Look no further! Our Project Result is here to assist you in teaching Media Literacy, especially during times of crisis and pandemics. The Challenge: It can be challenging to find teaching and Read more…

INFODEMICS project website!

Explore the INFODEMICS project website! Learn to use the tools effectively with our new tutorial. Join us in combating misinformation! Click here: https://infodemics.eu/ Infodemics is a KA2 Strategic Partnership co-funded by the Erasmus + of the European Union and aims to assist youth and young people across Europe to better Read more…